In a time of mounting opposition, both spiritually and the natural, a cry for justice is also mounting. Hear that sound. While the media and political factions focus on politically motivated movements masked as justice, people of every color, ethnos and creed are crying out for the scales of justice to be balanced. The man who has been betrayed by a friend desires justice. The mother who was slandered by people she trusted is seeking justice. The martyrs of racial strife over the past 100 years are crying out for justice. The cries of the unborn are for justice. The Jew and the Gentile are averting their eyes to the hill of God for help. Our own president is searching for justice against his administration and those called to lead. I recently stated that we are a nation that is drowning in a deep pool of injustice.
In essence, we are a nation that desires a structure of justice that is not tainted, manipulated or broken by man. The question is not over who deserves justice more. The question is whose justice will we raise up here upon the earth. The justice of the kingdom or a counterfeit manifested through false movements? The body of Christ has a historical moment in time to lead the charge and establish God’s kingdom order of justice in our lifetime. The church has depended upon the frailty of human minds, academia, and opinion to establish what is now a broken system in America. There is NO justice like that of the kingdom. Our God is the author of TRUTH and truth is a prelude to justice. I am reminded of Isaiah 33:22...
“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

We serve a God from whom law and justice was created. We do not blame the distorted elements of law here on earth on God, our righteous judge; but rather upon how man has interpreted law and used it for evil gain. We are living in an hour when the church must receive a fresh revelation and understanding of justice. We must be able to perceive injustice correctly. Our adversary is looking to ensnare those who are not led with discernment and create a false movement that appears righteous. We cannot afford to be manipulated by an AntiChrist agenda that would love to use emotionally led Christians to work against the kingdom of God. We are meant to LEAD others into the truth.
With that said, christians from every denomination are rising up across this nation to pray and intercede for America. We are interceding to see racial divides mended. We are interceding to see the racist agenda of abortion rooted out of our land. We are interceding to see fathers arise again. We are interceding to see women come into their true calling as Deborahs and Jaels of our time. We are interceding to put a stop to a predatory structure commissioned to take our children. All of us are crying out for justice AS ONE. My prayer is that we would hear the heartbeat of God and echo that sound here on the earth. Decree with me that God’s justice will be released and prevail in the courts of America. I leave you with Psalm 7:11:
“God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day.”